Answers To Your Questions About Atlantic City Criminal Trespass Charges
Criminal trespass charges are a common occurrence in Atlantic City. These charges are filed against people who have been banned or evicted from a casino and come back at a later time.
Trespass charges are also filed against people who refuse to leave after they are told to by security officers. A criminal trespass charge is a low-level criminal offense, which is handled in Atlantic City Municipal Court.
Is a trespass charge a criminal offense in Atlantic City?
Yes. A charge of trespass or defiant trespass is a criminal offense in New Jersey under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-2. These charges are prosecuted by the Atlantic City Prosecutor’s Office in Atlantic City Municipal Court.
Can I go to jail for a trespass charge in Atlantic City?
Yes, but it’s unlikely. A trespass charge may carry severe consequences of up to 6 months in county jail, community service, and other fines and penalties depending upon the particular facts of the case. However, trespass charges are frequently resolved in Atlantic City without jail.
Can a trespass charge in Atlantic City be dropped or downgraded?
Yes. The Atlantic City Prosecutor’s Office has the discretion to downgrade or dismiss a trespass charge depending on the facts of the case. The prosecutor always reviews the casino surveillance tapes and reports from casino security officers before making any decision about the case. It’s important for your lawyer to contact the city prosecutor as soon as possible to get a good result.
Do I need a lawyer for a trespass charge in Atlantic City?
Yes. Although it’s a common offense in Atlantic City, a trespass charge may carry severe consequences including a criminal record. Very often, an experienced trespass defense attorney may be able to get the charge downgraded or dismissed in Atlantic City Municipal Court. It’s important to hire a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney immediately to represent you in the case.
Need An Experienced Lawyer?
If you have criminal trespass charges in Atlantic City or County, you need the assistance of a strong, local criminal defense attorney, that knows the local courts, to ensure that rights are protected throughout the legal process.
John Tumelty is a battle-tested attorney who has represented countless clients accused of crimes in Atlantic City. As a former assistant county prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, Trial Section, he has a unique insight into how prosecutors evaluate a criminal case and prepare a case for court. This gives him a huge advantage when preparing a case and strategizing for trial. He will fight hard to protect you and to help you avoid a criminal record.