Ferguson Case: Public Opinion is Not Evidence
The unpopular and controversial decision not to indict Ferguson, MO, police officer Darren Wilson with the murder of unarmed teen Michael Brown may very well leave people questioning the fairness of the U.S. justice system for a long time to come.
That being said, the Grand Jury deliberated on 25 separate occasions. They did not find enough cause to charge the officer with a crime. True, the legal bar is set high in indictment hearings. However, the standards set by the system are in place to work for everyone – regardless of the color of your skin or the nature of your charges.
In a Grand Jury hearing, the prosecutors must lay out the case in an effort to get an indictment. Once they get the indictment they can proceed to trial. In a Grand Jury hearing, the defendant does not get to present a case. The jurors have the obligation to determine if there is enough evidence to allow the case to proceed.
In the Wilson case, the jury (which was convened well before the August shooting) found that there was not enough evidences to bring charges against Wilson. Therefore, the prosecution has no case.
The unfortunate part is that a teenager was killed and it appears that no one will be punished for it – but it does not mean that the process was unjust.
The best defense to any criminal charge is to immediately retain the services of an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. Contact The Law Offices of John W. Tumelty for elite criminal defense in New Jersey today, and discuss your case over a free consultation.